FIREFLY PROD - Cold Oblivion Vastness - Deathwing

Firefly Prod
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Cold Oblivion Vastness Cold Oblivion Vastness

Bandcamp page

YouTube Channel

Deathwing Deathwing

Jamendo page

Cold Oblivion Vastness - ∄

Cold Oblivion Vastness – ∄

Debut release 2024-06-30
Final release date unknown yet

01 - The Subliminal Pain

Cold Oblivion Vastness

Cold Oblivion Vastness


COVariance is changing name to Cold Oblivion Vastness



00 - Deaf*metal
01 - Not proud of this 1!
02 - hate-beat-
03 - ICEcre4m;
04 - Death!by!seaside!
05 - "
06 -   Do%n0t%enjoy
07 - {([random;.;chaos])}
08 - 死
09 - /+\
10 - S4t4niz3d
11 - unlistened\/!
12 - untitled
13 - .

COVariance – chaos. order. void.

2020 / 2021

01 - Les Rivières de Sang
02 - Beautiful Dismay
03 - Déchu / Fallen
04 - Forêt de Haine / Hatred Forest
05 - Below
06 - Above
07 - I Burn Within
08 - Unknown
09 - Trials and Errors
10 - Chaos
11 - Abandonné / Forsaken
12 - Wolf And Hatred (Ulver cover - bonus track)

Released song by song starting on the 2020-10-17

Covariance – Chapter One Rebuilt


01 - Intro
02 - Shapes Of Evil
03 - Bloodlands
04 - Lost In The Kingdom Of Winter
05 - The Dream
06 - The Crown
07 - My Wrath Will Rain, Flooding The Lands
08 - Freedom

09 - Shaþes Of Evil (new version 2020)
10 - Flooding Wrath (new version 2020)

Remixed and remastered songs from the first demo

Covariance – L0VE (((oBLIVION


= 00 = Suffered
= 01 = Soulless
= 02 = Dreamed
= 03 = Erased
= 04 = Timeless
= 05 = Hopeless
= 06 = Lost
= 07 = Broken

Deathwing – Hatred After Death


1 - Anthropophobia
2 - End Of Human Race
3 - The Disease
4 - Glittering Shit
5 - Violence Cult
6 - Green Piss
7 - Instinct Of Survival (Napalm Death cover)

Songs from 2003 partialy re-recorded in 2011 and 2012.

Covariance – The Dark Peace


1 - Unable
2 - The Death Of Thaliim
3 - Suffering Beyond Words

Deathwing – Eternal Agony (2013 re-issue)


1 - Intro
2 - A Scream From The Abyss (2013 remix)
3 - Dreams of Inner Void
4 - Killered (previously unreleased track from 2012)
5 - Black Snow
6 - Humanhate
7 - Blood Of Stars
8 - Raised By The Winds (previously unreleased track from 2002)

re-issue of the 2000 demo with enhanced sound, new artwork and two previously unreleased tracks.

Covariance – The Dark War


1 - Roots Of War
2 - Thaliim In The Desert Of Ice
3 - Unescaping The Dark Caves - Crawling Nowhere Fast
4 - Iced Lights & Blue Shadows
5 - Howling Steel Dead
6 - Poison Lunaire
7 - When The Dark War Rages...
8 - Walking The Paths Of Death
9 - Alchimie Nécrotique

recorded in 2004/2005 yet released in 2013 (October the 6th)

Triptych Of Death

Deathwing – Eternal Agony


1 - Blood of Stars
2 - A Scream from the Abyss
3 - Dreams of Inner Void
4 - Humanhate
5 - Black Snow (bonus track)

released on a 3-way split CD with Covariance and Archenterum

Triptych Of Death

Covariance – Chapter I : Enslaved by Hate


1 - Intro
2 - Shades of evil
3 - Bloodlands
4 - The quest of Thaliim
     part I - Lost in the kingdom of winter
     part II - The dream
5 - The crown
6 - My wrath will rain, flooding the lands
7 - Freedom

released on a 3-way split CD with Deathwing and Archenterum

Deathwing - A new way to die

Deathwing – A new way to die


1 - Under the Wings of Fear
2 - Lord of Hatred
3 - Pangs of Death
4 - Raised by the Winds
5 - Light in the Corridor of Evil
6 - Black Snow - Outro

released on a split CD with Funérailles


Cold Oblivion Vastness
Bandcamp Page - YouTube Channel - Jamendo - Metal-archives

Jamendo - Metal-archives